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Rihanna & A$AP British Vogue Magazine Cover | Graphic Designer Of The Pink Parts - Lisa Beasley

When I got accepted into YouTube University to study in their Graphic Design & Photoshop Program, I never knew that hours of tutorials would turn into a decades long career of creative direction, branding materials, websites, and marketing. Though I’ve semi-retired from providing these services to the public, I still see an opportunity to SERVE the public. Here was the original:

Rihanna and A$AP British Vogue Magazine Family Cover. Rihanna on the beach with A$AP as A$AP holds a smiling baby. Rihanna is in the front and A$AP is behing her hold her hand while holding the baby. Green lines and markes with commentary cover it

The Image that surfaced on the internet shortly after the magazine cover debuted.

Y’all be safe out here.

-Lisa Beasley